File Type Definition for JSON
By Supertext AG
<p>The<strong> JSON File Type Plugin</strong> for Trados Studio, developed by <strong>Supertext</strong>, enables efficient translation of JSON files within Trados Studio. This plugin supports both monolingual and bilingual JSON files, offering robust features to streamline the translation process.</p><p>The benefits of using the JSON File Type Plugin for Trados Studio include:</p><p><strong>Enhanced Translation Efficiency</strong></p><ul><li>Direct Translation: Translate JSON files directly in Trados Studio without needing to convert file formats.</li><li>Bilingual Support: Seamlessly manage bilingual JSON documents, allowing both source and target texts to be handled effectively.</li></ul><p><strong>Customisation and Control</strong></p><ul><li>Path Filters: Define specific paths within JSON files for targeted translation, ensuring only relevant content is translated.</li><li>Regular Expressions: Utilise regular expressions to create filter rules, allowing precise control over which text segments are translated.</li></ul><p><strong>Embedded Content Processing</strong></p><ul><li>Versatile Handling: Process embedded HTML and other content within JSON files, preserving the integrity of complex data structures during translation.</li></ul><p>For more details and support, refer to this <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Supertext blog post</a>.</p>