MT Comparison
By Trados AppStore Team
<p><strong>The Problem</strong></p><p> Today the use of Machine Translation is on the up and for many project managers, translators and localization engineers the problem,</p><p> is knowing, which provider to use for a particular project, so you can be sure the amount of post-editing effort will be reduced to a minimum.</p><p><br></p><p> <strong>The Solution</strong></p><p> Before the MT Comparison plugin, the solution would be to pre-translate the projects several times and review the results,all of which takes a lot of time.</p><p> But now, this plugin provides you with the ability to pre-translate the project with up to five different Machine Translation providers at a time, and </p><p>generate a single report in Excel with the results of each engine side by side. </p><p> This makes the review of the translations much easier to compare.</p><p> </p><p> To learn how to use this application, please visit <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong>MT Comparison</strong></a> in the RWS Community wiki</p><p><br></p>