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Multilingual Excel FileType


Multilingual Excel FileType

By Trados AppStore Team

<p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> If you are running Trados Studio 2022 please note that the available download is only for CU1 and above. If you still need the previous version you can find it in the <a href="https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/rws-appstore/w/wiki/6444/archived-versions-multilingual-excel-filetype" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong>Archive wiki</strong></a>.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>The Problem</strong></p><p>Dealing with multilingual Excel files is something many users encounter on a regular basis, especially when handling gaming or software localization projects. The problems of these files range from not being able to handle the content itself in a single project to having to deal with embedded content and sometimes pixel length checks. Then you have to put the different projects back together into a single file when you're done!</p><p><br></p><p><strong>The Solution</strong></p><p>The Multilingual Excel FileType solves all of these problems and more. Some common usecases for it would be:</p><ol><li>create bilingual or multilingual projects from an Excel file containing at least two languages handle large blocks of embedded content in the files using embedded content processors handle html AND placeable content in one go handle html embedded content without doing anything at all! handle bilingual or multilingual Excel files without the need to use the bilingual Excel filetype in multiple projects support pixel length verification</li></ol><p><br></p><p>You can learn more about the app itself in the <a href="https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/rws-appstore/w/wiki/6290/multilingual-excel-filetype" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong>Multilingual Excel FileType wiki</strong></a>.</p>

Multilingual XML FileType


Multilingual XML FileType

By Trados AppStore Team

<p><em>- to learn more about the app itself please look in the </em><a href="https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/rws-appstore/w/wiki/6039/multilingual-xml-filetype" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong><em>Multilingual XML FileType wiki</em></strong></a></p><p><strong>The Problem</strong></p><p>Sometimes you receive XLIFF files with large dumps of html in CDATA sections, or invalid XLIFF files (still well formed but not recognised as valid XLIFF by Trados Studio), partially translated bilingual XML files, multilingual XML files and all the work this entails in creating settings for each language pair and then attempting to piece them altogether afterwards or even needing to use an html embedded content processor AND regex rules for placeables. If you can recognise these sort of problems then this filetype will bring some welcome relief!</p><p><br></p><p><strong>The Solution</strong></p><p>The Multilingual XML FileType solves all of these problems and more. Some common usecases for it would be:</p><ol><li>create bilingual or multilingual projects from an XML file containing at least two languages handle large CDATA dumps in XLIFF files correctly handling well formed, but invalid XLIFF files that Trados Studio will not handle out of the box handle bilingual or multilingual XML files without the need to copy the source into the target element and translate the target element only. handle partially translated bilingual or multilingual XML files</li></ol><p><br></p><p>You can learn more about the app itself in the <a href="https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/rws-appstore/w/wiki/6039/multilingual-xml-filetype" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong>Multilingual XML FileType wiki</strong></a>.</p>




By Tommi Nieminen

<b>OPUS-CAT plugin</b> is the only machine translation plugin that offers completely free, secure, and confidential neural machine translation for over a thousand language pairs.<br> It also offers a feature that is crucial for professional translators: the possibility to fine-tune the machine translation with bilingual material related to the translation job at hand. Fine-tuning can in many cases have an immense effect on the usability of machine translation.<br><br> <b>Note:</b> OPUS-CAT plugin fetches translations from a local MT engine, which should be installed and running on the local computer when the plugin is used. For installation instructions please visit the <strong><a target="_blank" href="https://helsinki-nlp.github.io/OPUS-CAT/tradosplugin">OPUS-CAT Trados Plugin</a></strong> website to ensure you install and configure your local MT engine correctly. The <b>OPUS-CAT</b> Trados plugin is part of a software ecosystem built around the OPUS corpus (open parallel corpus), which is a large collection of freely available bilingual texts.<br> Another part of this ecosystem is OPUS-MT, which is a collection of machine translation models trained from the texts in the OPUS corpus. OPUS-MT contains machine translation models for over a thousand language pairs. OPUS-CAT itself is a project that makes it possible to use the OPUS-MT models in CAT tools, such as Trados.<br><br> To use <b>OPUS-CAT</b> Trados plugin, first install the OPUS-CAT MT Engine on your local computer. OPUS-CAT MT Engine is an application which makes it possible to use and fine-tune the OPUS-MT models locally without any connection to outside networks.<br> It is based on <i>Marian NMT</i>, a state-of-the-art neural machine translation framework, known for its speed and efficiency. Thanks to the efficiency of Marian NMT, OPUS-CAT MT Engine works on normal computers without special hardware.