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Web Lookup


Web Lookup

By Mikael Weiner

The Web Lookup plugin for Studio allows the user to select text in the source or target language of the translation and run an internet search by clicking on an icon in the ribbon, right-clicking in the editor and selecting "web lookup" or through the use of a simple keyboard shortcut. The search takes place in one of the 40 preconfigured websites... but that's not all! You can add your own websites to the menu or remove existing ones to configure the application the way you like. There is a useful guide that helps you to create the correct search URL and use it in the application. The search results themselves are language sensitive. For example, if you select a German source word then the results will be in a German website if available, and an English target language will result in a search result from an English website etc. The results are displayed in a window in Studio which can be placed wherever you like to make your personal use more convenient. Updates within V1.4 You can restrict the functionality of the browser so that images are not downloaded and scripts are not run. This done in Settings and will make things faster and more stable for some sites. You can share your own lookup methods with other Web Lookup users. This is also done in Settings – click Share in the dialog. Updates within V1.3 Opened tabs will be re-opened when Studio is re-started. Upon performing a lookup, the focus will move to the Web Lookup tabs for easy browsing among the open tabs using the arrow keys. When focus is in the web page, pressing Esc will move focus to the tabs and when focus is on the tabs, Esc will move focus to the translation segment. The standard autocomplete feature of Internet Explorer is now functional in Web Lookup, meaning that for example login details can be remembered.

Studio Subtitling


Studio Subtitling

By Trados AppStore Team

<p><strong><em>The Problem this app addresses</em></strong></p><p>The volume of audio visual content for localization is growing rapidly. Turnaround times are getting shorter and many of those working in the industry are feeling increased price pressures in dealing with this sort of content. Translation tools today lack proper context for subtitlers, offering poor support for the variety of file formats.</p><p><br></p><p><strong><em>The Solution this app provides</em></strong></p><p>The Studio Subtitling plugin supports enhanced features for audio visual translation, editing, proofing and works synchronously with the Studio editor in support of the following filetypes:</p><p><br></p><p>- ASS (available <a href="https://appstore.rws.com/plugin/6/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">here</a> on the RWS AppStore)</p><p>- SRT (supported out of the box in Trados Studio 2021/2022)</p><p>- webVTT (supported out of the box in Trados Studio 2021/2022)</p><p>- STL (available <a href="https://appstore.rws.com/plugin/7" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">here</a> on the RWS AppStore)</p><p>- SBV (supported out of the box in Trados Studio 2021/2022)</p><p>- TTML (supported out of the box in Trados Studio 2021/2022)</p><p><br></p><p><strong>NOTE:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>The plugin does not work with single document projects</strong>, resulting in errors. To use it properly, you need to create standard projects.</li><li>It is not possible to use the numpad for non-subtitling files if this plugin is installed. This is a limitation of Studio. The workaround is to remove the keyboard shortcuts for numpad in the Studio options. They can be reset when needed by using "Reset to Defaults" in the Subtitling Keyboard shortcut list.</li></ul><p><br></p><p><a href="https://appstore.rws.com/plugin/104/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong>Click here to download</strong></a> the TQA model for Trados Studio that is also supported by this plugin.</p><p><br></p>




By Tommi Nieminen

<b>OPUS-CAT plugin</b> is the only machine translation plugin that offers completely free, secure, and confidential neural machine translation for over a thousand language pairs.<br> It also offers a feature that is crucial for professional translators: the possibility to fine-tune the machine translation with bilingual material related to the translation job at hand. Fine-tuning can in many cases have an immense effect on the usability of machine translation.<br><br> <b>Note:</b> OPUS-CAT plugin fetches translations from a local MT engine, which should be installed and running on the local computer when the plugin is used. For installation instructions please visit the <strong><a target="_blank" href="https://helsinki-nlp.github.io/OPUS-CAT/tradosplugin">OPUS-CAT Trados Plugin</a></strong> website to ensure you install and configure your local MT engine correctly. The <b>OPUS-CAT</b> Trados plugin is part of a software ecosystem built around the OPUS corpus (open parallel corpus), which is a large collection of freely available bilingual texts.<br> Another part of this ecosystem is OPUS-MT, which is a collection of machine translation models trained from the texts in the OPUS corpus. OPUS-MT contains machine translation models for over a thousand language pairs. OPUS-CAT itself is a project that makes it possible to use the OPUS-MT models in CAT tools, such as Trados.<br><br> To use <b>OPUS-CAT</b> Trados plugin, first install the OPUS-CAT MT Engine on your local computer. OPUS-CAT MT Engine is an application which makes it possible to use and fine-tune the OPUS-MT models locally without any connection to outside networks.<br> It is based on <i>Marian NMT</i>, a state-of-the-art neural machine translation framework, known for its speed and efficiency. Thanks to the efficiency of Marian NMT, OPUS-CAT MT Engine works on normal computers without special hardware.

Multilingual XML FileType


Multilingual XML FileType

By Trados AppStore Team

<p><em>- to learn more about the app itself please look in the </em><a href="https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/rws-appstore/w/wiki/6039/multilingual-xml-filetype" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong><em>Multilingual XML FileType wiki</em></strong></a></p><p><strong>The Problem</strong></p><p>Sometimes you receive XLIFF files with large dumps of html in CDATA sections, or invalid XLIFF files (still well formed but not recognised as valid XLIFF by Trados Studio), partially translated bilingual XML files, multilingual XML files and all the work this entails in creating settings for each language pair and then attempting to piece them altogether afterwards or even needing to use an html embedded content processor AND regex rules for placeables. If you can recognise these sort of problems then this filetype will bring some welcome relief!</p><p><br></p><p><strong>The Solution</strong></p><p>The Multilingual XML FileType solves all of these problems and more. Some common usecases for it would be:</p><ol><li>create bilingual or multilingual projects from an XML file containing at least two languages handle large CDATA dumps in XLIFF files correctly handling well formed, but invalid XLIFF files that Trados Studio will not handle out of the box handle bilingual or multilingual XML files without the need to copy the source into the target element and translate the target element only. handle partially translated bilingual or multilingual XML files</li></ol><p><br></p><p>You can learn more about the app itself in the <a href="https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/rws-appstore/w/wiki/6039/multilingual-xml-filetype" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong>Multilingual XML FileType wiki</strong></a>.</p>