Amazon Machine Translation Provider for RWS Language Cloud
By Trados AppStore Team
This add-on enables users working in the cloud (through Trados Studio, Trados Team or Trados Enterprise) to receive machine translation results from the Amazon Translate Service (AWS).
You can directly install the Amazon Machine Translation Provider from within your cloud account. Simply select your account icon in the top right hand corner of the screen> RWS AppStore.
Please note: You will need to purchase a subscription through AWS and you'll need to create an Amazon account. Pricing for AWS is available through this Amazon website.
Technical details
1.0.14 - Trados Studio cloud capabilities
- Updated dependencies
Release date: 2024-07-18
Support website: https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/rws-appstore/f/rws-appstore
Shared products:
Trados Studio cloud capabilities
- Updated dependencies
Trados Studio cloud capabilities, Trados Accelerate, Trados Team, Trados Enterprise
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