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Reports Viewer Plus


Reports Viewer Plus

By Trados AppStore Team

<p><strong><u>The Problem</u></strong></p><p> The built-in "Reports" view in Studio is useful because it provides the ability to read the various Studio reports available and print or share them with others. But it does have some limitations:</p><ul><li>it can take a while to render each report when you click on it</li><li>there is no possibility to customise the existing reports</li><li>there is no possibility to introduce reports in other formats, possibly an analysis from another tool for example</li></ul><p><br></p><p> <strong><u>The Solution</u></strong></p><p> The "Reports Viewer Plus" application creates a new View in Studio that mirrors the reports in the "Reports" view. This new view comes with several advantages:</p><ul><li>click on a report and it's rendered instantly</li><li>you can edit the name of the Studio reports so they are easier to manage when you start to get a lot of reports in the list</li><li>you can import an XML analysis file of some sort, along with an appropriate stylesheet, and attach it to your project</li><li>you can define different stylesheets to be used for each type of Studio report and/or language so that they are automatically used in this view when you create a new project</li></ul><p>All in all, this is a great solution for anyone who would like to have more control over the type of reports that are created and who wants to be able to use them more often now that they display instantaneously.</p><p><br></p><p> To learn how to use this application, please visit <a href=" https://community.rws.com/product-groups/translationproductivity/w/customer-experience/5519/reports-viewer-plus " rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong>Reports Viewer Plus</strong></a> in the RWS Community wiki</p><p><br></p>




By TMServe

<strong>Current version is 1.0.5</strong><br /><br /> Find the variables in your TM from what you have left untranslated in it. SDLTmFindVars is a utility that reads translation units from a given Trados Studio translation memory (TM) file and by comparing the items found in the Source and Target segments identifies potential Variables. That is, it searches for non-translatable text. Variables are usually company names, product names, trademarks, tokens or any word or phrase that it is left untranslated within each TM. The program writes the potential Variables in a TXT file for checking and further processing before the variables are added by the user in a Studio TM. <br /><br />It can also output the frequency of appearance in the output log and if needed, it can provide details for each Variable found in a CSV file. <br /><br />The user can also choose how the program performs the search and what is outputted through a number of options. <br /><br />Trados Studio considers Variables as replaceable parts of text with no real language meaning (such as the numbers or tags). Therefore it automatically enters them in the suggested target text allowing for increase of the matches provided by the TM and makes them accessible through the quick insert function to the users. <br /><br />SDLTmFindVars does not require a version of Trados Studio to be installed on the PC to function. The free version supports TMs of up to 50,000 translation units and can be upgraded to the unlimited version at a cost of 35 Euro. <br /><br />Once installed, you will now find SDLTmFindVars in your programs (All Programs-> TMServe-> SDLTmFindVars). It will then open up as a stand alone app outside of Trados Studio.