Record Source TU

Record Source TU

By Trados AppStore Team



SDL Trados 2007 used to have a feature that stamped the name of the file you were translating on the Translation Unit in your Translation Memory. This feature was not implemented in any of the Studio versions to date. So this plugin for SDL Trados Studio 2015 brings this back and adds some interesting options. You can decide whether you want to stamp your Translation Units with:

- The filename you are working on

- The filename plus it’s full path

- The Project name

You can add any of these, or all of them, so they are automatically recording what you worked on when you translated your projects.

This gives you the ability to filter on these for translating work in the future and for carrying out batch editing tasks to remove unwanted translations from your translation memory, or export an extract to provide to a colleague or a client.

The plugin works as a Translation Memory provider, so you just choose RecordSourceTU when you add a Translation Memory to your project.

You’ll be asked to select whether you want a new field created, or if you wish to append this information to an existing one, and you’re good to go.

As always it’s a good idea to back up your Translation Memories before you start so if you decide you don’t like to work this way it’s easy to go back.

Once installed, you can now start using Record Source TU by selecting it as a translation memory provider when you translate a new document or in the project settings.

Warning: The application will not record any information if there is no change made to an existing TU.

If you want to learn more about working with fields in Studio then this article might be worth a read :multifarious-fields and attributes

As well as Record Source TU in the RWS Community wiki

Technical details - Trados Studio 2024


  • Compatibility for Trados Studio 2024
  • Update of Tell Me 

Checksum: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855

Release date: 2024-06-25 - Trados Studio (2022 (SR2), 2022 (SR1))


  •  Resolved the reported issue
  • Addressed breaking changes

Checksum: 9c633ab288746e74d768e6f1d9f25a34a15a52bd4e94992744d60814e02a29d1

Release date: 2023-09-13 - Trados Studio 2022


  • Resolved reported issue in Pre SR1
  • Corrected updated plugin manifest to ensure that the plugin will not attempt to install into Trados Studio 2022 SR1. This is important because the SR1 release contains breaking changes that will cause this version of the plugin to prevent Studio from starting. 

Checksum: 709cc1dc16fca08034eea67b574e635c4a51340a91174bdecb5e3d4b72b5ab11

Release date: 2023-09-13 - Trados Studio 2021


  • updated plugin version to
  • updated studio maxversion to 16.9
  • updated author to "Trados AppStore Team"
  • updated NuGet dependencies to the latest versions (morelinq, Sdl.Core.PluginFramework, Sdl.Core.PluginFramework.Build)

Checksum: d31275232ae09634355ea00ea7e2b69915d471dfc1e025970567d172cd4da587

Release date: 2022-05-11 - SDL Trados Studio 2019


  • Improved performance and speed when switching segments

Checksum: 459a9aeae2a62fcce1c885f20b5ad16326b16cee0197494694545addcd5087b8

Release date: 2021-09-07 - SDL Trados Studio (2017, 2015)

No related information.


Record Source enhances the functionality of Trados Studio by providing additional features related to translation units (TUs) in translation memories. It is aimed at users of Trados Studio who need to enhance their translation memory management with detailed source information. By integrating seamlessly with Trados Studio and offering customizable metadata fields, the plugin improves traceability, accountability, and collaboration within translation projects. This makes it a useful addition for translators, project managers, and organizations looking to maintain high standards of translation quality and efficiency.

Getting Started

1.Minimum Requirements

Trados Studio 2015


You can install Record Source TU directly within Trados Studio via the Integrated AppStore or alternatively download and install it from the RWS AppStore.


  • Once installed, Record Source TU can be accessed in various ways:
  • Trados Studio Tell Me Feature
  • Default Settings: File > Options > All Language Pairs > Translation Memory and Automation > Use > Record Source TU
  • New Project: Create New Project -> One Step > General > Translation Results > Use > Record Source TU

Tip: Update your selected project template after completing the project preparation tasks. Alternatively, update Project Templates by going to File -> Setup -> Project Templates, select your project template to edit.

  • Existing Project Selected: Project Settings -> All Language Pairs > Translation Memory and Automation > Use > Record Source TU
Working in Trados Studio


Once you have located Record Source TU, the UI requires configuring to meet your needs.

You can enable any of the following:

  • Record source filename
  • Record source file complete path
  • Record source project name

These options support how custom field data is obtained. You can either:

  • Create a new custom field
  • Select StructureContext
  • Use the source filename and path.

Once setup ensure you have it enabled for Update

2.Editor View

As you interact with the Translation Results obtained form your TM, you will see the field values on the right

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why don't I see the field values within the Translation Results Window when retrieving hits from my TM?

A: It could be that you need to review your Translation Results Window Display Options via: File > Options > Editor > Translation Results Window > Display Options. Ensure "Show translation unit field values" is enabled, as well as the number of supported listings.

Q: Can I edit my preferences?

A: Yes, by going back to your Project Settings, selecting your listed Record Source TU TM, then clicking on Settings.

Q: I have spotted a mistake with the field values that are not correct in the Translation Results Window. How do I correct the field values?

A: You can right-click on the Translation Result Entry to edit the Translation Unit, or you could reconfirm your entry by adding it as a New Translation.

Q: Can I ensure that future projects are updated with the correct field values?

A: Yes, this is done under: All Language Pairs > Translation Memory and Automation > Update.

Q: Can I prioritise Translation Results based on the field values?

A: Yes, this is done under: All Language Pairs > Translation Memory and Automation > Filters.

Q: Where can I continue to manage my field values?

A: Directly within the Translation Memory Maintenance View.

  • Record Source TU only supports file-based Translation Memories (*.sdlTM).
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XLIFF Manager for Trados Studio


XLIFF Manager for Trados Studio

By Trados AppStore Team

The ProblemYou need to share files for translation or review and the people you are sharing with don't use Studio, they can't support SDLXLIFF, and they want to use a CAT tool. You also do so much of this you need to have a better way of managing the process. You want to be able to share one XLIFF on a multi-lingual project and have the translators complete the target language.The SolutionThe XLIFF Manager is the solution to this problem as it provides the following core features:- export your Studio projects as vanilla XLIFF 1.2 files- export your Studio projects as Google Polyglot XLIFF files- choose whether the target language should be set or not on export- choose whether you export all the segments in your files or not- import the translated XLIFF files back into Studio and update your Studio projects- map unsupported languages from your clients system in support of the import- generate reports of the changed work- be in control of the end to end process with a project management view in StudioPlanned Enhancements for the future updates- progress bars while waiting for the export/import. Useful for large projects- support for tracked changes in the import- add support for an XLIFF 2.1 export- add support for an SDLXLIFF export (to help with the management of an SDLXLIFF file workflow outside of a package)- we're open to suggestions in the RWS Community!To learn how to use this application, please please check the Documentation tab.