MultiTerm Extract
By Trados AppStore Team
NOTE: This is no longer being maintained
MultiTerm Extract checks the frequency of terms at a sub-segment level and enables you to build project glossaries without having to manually search for the terms. You can automatically locate and extract potential monolingual or bilingual terms from existing documentation or TMs to build termbases and glossaries quickly.
Technical details - MultiTerm Extract 2024
- Support for Studio 2024
Checksum: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
Release date: 2024-10-09 - MultiTerm Extract 2022
- 2022 version
Checksum: 1d65d8339a572d356249f7860316da1b0a6677c99ed635e0558b3b8e6df64bfe
Release date: 2023-09-29 - MultiTerm Extract 2021
- 2021 version
Checksum: ba58fe8ef0b0081760b7787cfc8bf7e9ad2b80aa15852188e84f0d1fffcff183
Release date: 2024-01-13
Support website: https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/rws-appstore/f/rws-appstore
Shared products:
MultiTerm Extract 2024
- Support for Studio 2024
MultiTerm Extract 2022
- 2022 version
MultiTerm Extract 2021
- 2021 version
This wiki will be updated over time with resources to help users work with MultiTerm Extract. For the time being a few notes:
- there is a CHM help guide available in the product. It hasn't been updated for a very long time and any references to getting support or forums may not be valid any more. If you do have questions on how to use the product, or need help, then post them into the MultiTerm forum where you may find help from your peers.the CHM help guide is a useful way to learn about this application and there is also a tutorial installed with the product (also old as you will see from the branding but still useful):
It's also worth downloading and installing the SDLXLIFF to Legacy Converter plugin from the AppStore as this supports the conversion of Studio SDLXLIFF files to TMX, BilingualDOC and TTX. This may be important because MultiTerm Extract does not support SDLXLIFF or many of the more modern file formats in use today. So this will give you an opportunity to downgrade newer formats to something that can be supported and allow you to focus on term extraction.