InterpretBank Terminology Provider
By Trados AppStore Team
InterpretBank is a tool designed for professional interpreters to efficiently manage and access terminology. It offers a variety of features tailored to interpreters' needs, enabling them to manage terms effectively and enhance their ability to prepare for and execute tasks seamlessly. With InterpretBank being a supported term provider you can now integrate InterpretBank with your localisation projects.
For more information about InterpretBank see here
Technical details - Trados Studio 2024
- Initial release
Checksum: c9f999b1040fb08147243a942129d601e0d3b566fe404d0d87a1ede6f25b31ea
Release date: 2024-07-18
Support website:
Shared products: - Trados Studio 2024
- Initial release
Minimum Requirements
- Trados Studio 2024
- An InterpretBank database *.db
Getting Started
You can install the plugin either via the RWS AppStore or the Integrated AppStore within Trados Studio by going to: Add-Ins > RWS AppStore
Once installed, InterpretBank can easily be accessed in various ways:
1. Trados Studio Tell Me Feature
2. Add-Ins tab
3. Short Cuts: File > Options > Keyboard Shortcuts
Configure Database
Configuring your InterpretBank database allows you to continuously manage various aspects:
1. Glossaries
You can:
- Create a new glossary
- Import into a glossary
- Supported formats include: *.tbx, *.xlsx
- Delete glossary
- Define glossary langues
- Associate tags to the glossary
2. Tags
You can:
- Create new Tag
- Delete Tag
- Manage Glossary associations
3. DB Languages
You can list supported languages by using the drown
Note: Please see Known Limitations
Live Search
Live Search allows you to validate what your managed terms are by:
- Referencing an InterpretBank database
- Define the source and target languages
- Selecting your glossary either by name or by tag
Working with InterpretBank
When adding InterpretBank as a provider you can:
- Locate any 1 of your configured InterpretBank databases: *.db
- Select your glossary based on either glossary names or by tags
1.Adding InterpretBank to Project
You can add InterpretBank as part of a project by:
1.Selecting a project & accessing Project Settings
2.Navigating to: Language Pairs – All Language Pairs – Termbases
3.Select the “Use” dropdown
Alternatively, if you are already in the editor view you can add it via the Term Recognition Window
2. Adding terms:
It is possible to add new terms to your InterpretBank glossary, directly from within the Editor view.
Adding terms are supported using the following methods:
- Add new Term
- Quick Add New Term
- Directly from within the Termbase Viewer
3.Updating terms
From within the Editor view you can access the Termbase Viewer.
From within you can edit /maintain terms
Known Limitations:
- Its not possible to rename a Glossary
- Its not possible to rename a tag
- Its not possible to dissociate a selected language from a Glossary