applyTM Template

applyTM Template

By Trados AppStore Team




Do you maintain many file-based Translation Memories? Have you ever had to update the segmentation rules, abbreviation lists, variable lists, or ordinal follower lists in Trados Studio? Have you ever wondered how to get all of these details from a Language Resource Template? If you have, then you'll be familiar with the effort that is required to make changes as they need to be applied across all of your Translation Memories one at a time; and with the inability to get at these resources once they are part of a template.


The applyTM Template application removes the repetitive effort that is required to make these changes. Now you can maintain one Language Resource Template and apply the changes to all of your Translation Memories in one go!

It works by selecting the template and then adding all of your TMs (browse or drag and drop) in one go; check the resources you wish to be updated based on your template; then click apply. You can maintain resources for multiple languages in the same template, and the application will show you visually which languages were changed or not.

You can also export these resources to Excel where it might be easier to carry out maintenance and then import them back into your template afterwards. And of course, you can import the resources from your Translation Memories into a Language Resource Template.

To learn how to use this application, please check the Documentation tab.

Technical details - Trados Studio 2024


  • updated to support Studio 2024
  • updated TellMe features

Checksum: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855

Release date: 2024-06-25 - Trados Studio 2022 (SR1)


  • Fix null reference exception

Checksum: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855

Release date: 2023-12-11 - Trados Studio 2022


  • Corrected updated plugin manifest to ensure that the plugin will not attempt to install into Trados Studio 2022 SR1. This is important because the SR1 release contains breaking changes that will cause this version of the plugin to prevent Studio from starting. There will be a further update of this plugin specifically for the 2022 SR1 release either alongside, or shortly after SR1 is made publicly available.

Checksum: dd158fcae7bfe532b108c4e94986c4f980d32975a4b4b468d5a0a192f498e89d

Release date: 2023-06-07 - Trados Studio 2021 (SR2)


  • updated plugin version to
  • updated studio maxversion to 16.9
  • updated author to "Trados AppStore Team"
  • updated NuGet dependencies to the latest versions (EPPlus)

Checksum: 9b42b3f35c00279a97dca735a3c6a310e5d667a23f3bab3ca608060d2f4c86c0

Release date: 2022-04-10 - SDL Trados Studio 2019

No related information.

The ApplyTmTemplate plugin's primary purpose is to apply a template to many TMs at once, but it can also:

  • export the resources from the template to an Excel document,
  • to import language resources from an Excel document to a template or
  • to import language resources from a TM to a template.

 You can find this plugin in the Add-Ins ribbon tab.

When you start the application, please first select a relevant Template.

If you don't already have one, you can create a new 'Language Resource Template' via the Translation Memories tab

When you open the application, please select the relevant Template.

(If you don't select a template (and have added TM's, you will see a warning message)

Select /Deselect the options you wish to apply. Now select Add Folder or Add TM's

And now select the required TM's you wish to apply the template-

(nothing will happen if you don't select the required TM's- The Apply option will remain disabled)

If the template is new, instead of clicking on Apply you'll need to click on the template path, to expand the context options and select "Import from TMs to template". This will update the template with the TMs rules.

Now select Apply. -

Once complete, you can hover over the TM and see tool tips showing whether the Template has been applied and if not, the reasons for this.

If you want to export the language resources from the template to an Excel document:

  • click on the "Export" button

In case there are languages in the template which cannot be identified, a message will be displayed informing the user of all the languages that were and weren't identified (this applies to every other action in case there are languages that cannot be identified)

  • after the export is complete, a message will be displayed and the Excel file will be automatically opened after the user clicks on "OK"

  1. If you want to Import from an excel document
  • click "Import from Excel to template"


  • select an Excel document which contains resources previously exported and wait for the completion message to be displayed.
  1. If you want to Import from TMs
  • load TMs in the app like shown for Apply action
  • click on "Import from TMs to template"

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XLIFF Manager for Trados Studio


XLIFF Manager for Trados Studio

By Trados AppStore Team

The ProblemYou need to share files for translation or review and the people you are sharing with don't use Studio, they can't support SDLXLIFF, and they want to use a CAT tool. You also do so much of this you need to have a better way of managing the process. You want to be able to share one XLIFF on a multi-lingual project and have the translators complete the target language.The SolutionThe XLIFF Manager is the solution to this problem as it provides the following core features:- export your Studio projects as vanilla XLIFF 1.2 files- export your Studio projects as Google Polyglot XLIFF files- choose whether the target language should be set or not on export- choose whether you export all the segments in your files or not- import the translated XLIFF files back into Studio and update your Studio projects- map unsupported languages from your clients system in support of the import- generate reports of the changed work- be in control of the end to end process with a project management view in StudioPlanned Enhancements for the future updates- progress bars while waiting for the export/import. Useful for large projects- support for tracked changes in the import- add support for an XLIFF 2.1 export- add support for an SDLXLIFF export (to help with the management of an SDLXLIFF file workflow outside of a package)- we're open to suggestions in the RWS Community!To learn how to use this application, please please check the Documentation tab.