Post-Edit Compare

Post-Edit Compare

By Trados AppStore Team



Post-Edit Compare is a tool designed to report translation modifications during the post-edit phases of a translation workflow. The tool works by comparing two versions of the same SDLXLIFF file (before and after changes were applied); the files with changes are highlighted and all modifications are included in a comparison report.

The comparison report is formatted in a way that simplifies the understanding of what changes were applied from one version of the file to the other, along with a full break down of the modifications and related cost analysis.

Improved handling for TERp analysis, much improved and simplified reporting process from the main Studio Projects View, ability to save reports in Excel

Technical details - Trados Studio 2024


  • updated to Studio 2024
  • Resolved Object reference error when attempting to create a project version before loading the plugins view
  • Resolved Object reference error when attempting to load the plugin settings option from the TellMe
  • Introduced a Build\Solution Info to syncronize versioning control accross project dependencies
  • Removed Help button from the plugins ribbon; it was pointing to documentation that is no longer maintained on the wiki pages.
  • Introduced additonal TellMe options
  • Post-Edit Versions View
  • Post-Edit Versions New Project Version

Checksum: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855

Release date: 2024-06-25 - Trados Studio 2022 (SR1)



  • Updated references to the Toolkit to a compatible release of SR1

Checksum: e176a6ea9bffc47fe057dd6ab49483c01006f19ee5b8434289cec83527dfa81b

Release date: 2023-09-15 - Trados Studio 2022


  • Corrected updated plugin manifest to ensure that the plugin will not attempt to install into Trados Studio 2022 SR1. This is important because the SR1 release contains breaking changes that will cause this version of the plugin to prevent Studio from starting. There will be a further update of this plugin specifically for the 2022 SR1 release either alongside, or shortly after SR1 is made publicly available.

Checksum: 446f6b1ebfd678dff92c0a3b05d4edf572230b4b3fe8af861f636f7ea1c4944e

Release date: 2023-06-07 - Trados Studio 2021


  • Fixed the link that is opened when pressing the Help buttons

Checksum: 52c64f83be73e8134915cf65a81f6afc2df4aec882389d1790a1e840bc23d2a8

Release date: 2022-11-28 - SDL Trados Studio 2019

4.0 - SDL Trados Studio (2017, 2015)

No related information.


Post-Edit Compare is a tool designed to report translation modifications during the post-edit phases of a translation workflow.

The tool works by comparing two versions of the same SDLXLIFF file (before and after changes were applied); the files with changes are highlighted and all modifications are included in a detailed comparison report.

The comparison report is formatted in a way that simplifies the understanding of what changes were applied from one version of the file to the other, along with a full break down of the modifications and related cost analysis.

Post-Edit Versions is fully integrated with SDL Trados Studio 2014, represented as a 'view' from the application interface. It includes functionality that allows users to create and maintain versions of the SDL project that can be later passed to Post-Edit Compare to generate the comparison reports.

To compare the project files, you simply select two project versions and choose Compare with Post-Edit Compare to generate a comparison report; make reference to the video below:

Key features

  • Identify quickly and keep track of the modified files by comparing the (before & after) folder directories
  • Create comparison reports that identify clearly the changes applied to the translations (and segment properties) of the files in a translation workflow.
  • Report an overview and full break down of the cost analysis related to the translation modifications.
  • Customize how the differences are highlighted in the comparison reports
  • Provides full support for SDLXLIFF files through the integration of the SDL Trados Studio APIs
  • The plugin 'Post-Edit Versions' is fully integrated with SDL Trados Studio 2014 which adds a level of project version control
  • Maintain comparison reports as a permanent record of the changes applied during each stage of the translation workflow.

Technical Requirements

The following is a list of the minimum technical requirements

  • SDL Trados Studio 2009/2011/2014 CU2
  • Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
  • Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1+


Post-Edit Compare was originally developed by Patrick Hartnett but today it's maintained by the SDL AppStore Team. All your support questions or your feedback/suggestions to better understand how we can improve the next releases should be posted in the AppStore Forum.

Related Articles

A very interesting article (Solving the Post Edit puzzle) written by Paul Filkin of SDL explains in some detail the considerations to take into account when analyzing Post-Edit modifications and the benefits of using Post-Edit Compare to solve/automate this.

Help Guide

There is a help guide available for the application which you can download from the link below:

Download the zipfile to your desktop and then unzip it. Double click the PostEditCompare.chm file to start:

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XLIFF Manager for Trados Studio


XLIFF Manager for Trados Studio

By Trados AppStore Team

The ProblemYou need to share files for translation or review and the people you are sharing with don't use Studio, they can't support SDLXLIFF, and they want to use a CAT tool. You also do so much of this you need to have a better way of managing the process. You want to be able to share one XLIFF on a multi-lingual project and have the translators complete the target language.The SolutionThe XLIFF Manager is the solution to this problem as it provides the following core features:- export your Studio projects as vanilla XLIFF 1.2 files- export your Studio projects as Google Polyglot XLIFF files- choose whether the target language should be set or not on export- choose whether you export all the segments in your files or not- import the translated XLIFF files back into Studio and update your Studio projects- map unsupported languages from your clients system in support of the import- generate reports of the changed work- be in control of the end to end process with a project management view in StudioPlanned Enhancements for the future updates- progress bars while waiting for the export/import. Useful for large projects- support for tracked changes in the import- add support for an XLIFF 2.1 export- add support for an SDLXLIFF export (to help with the management of an SDLXLIFF file workflow outside of a package)- we're open to suggestions in the RWS Community!To learn how to use this application, please please check the Documentation tab.