Misc. AHK Scripts - RWS Community

Misc. AHK Scripts - RWS Community

By Trados AppStore Team



The zip file available for download contains a small AutoHotkey script that can be imported into the AutoHotKey Manager to help a new user get started and see how the tool can be used.

The scripts include the following:

  1. Clear AT Statuses
  2. Character count
  3. Copy selected text to target
  4. Personal names
  5. Merge adjacent segments
  6. Move to next segment
  7. Move to previous segment
  8. Capitalise English dates
  9. Word endings (English)
  10. Word beginnings (English)
  11. Word middles (English)
  12. Accented "English" words
  13. Common Misspellings (English)

If you've got some good scripts then feel free to share them in the appstore too!

Technical details

2022.1.0.0 - Trados Studio (2024, 2022)


No related information.

Checksum: 7c4c7d55e2da1de51df18ed9da53356d589658d69a46a8891bf9c8a9dfc0e40b

Release date: 2024-06-25

2021.1.0.0 - Trados Studio 2021


No related information.

Checksum: 7c4c7d55e2da1de51df18ed9da53356d589658d69a46a8891bf9c8a9dfc0e40b

Release date: 2018-05-18

No related information.

Trados Studio (2024, 2022)


No related information.

Trados Studio 2021


No related information.

No related information.

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