Trados PowerShell Toolkit
By Trados AppStore Team
The Studio PowerShell Toolkit on GitHub, is a set of PowerShell scripts designed to automate tasks in Trados Studio. The toolkit interacts with Trados Studio's public API to automate various processes such as, initiating project creation and, updating translation memories with some capabilities when updating existing projects like package management.
Benefit: By automating these tasks, the toolkit helps engineers and project managers reduce manual work, minimise errors, and improve overall efficiency in managing translation projects. This is especially beneficial for teams handling large-scale localisation efforts.
Minimum Requirement: Must have a Trados Studio professional license
Technical details - Trados Studio (2024, 2022)
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Full instructions and user documentation is provided through the README to the GitHub Repository for this Toolkit.
Trados PowerShell Toolkit Summary
The Trados PowerShell Toolkit enables automation of Trados Studio Professional's Project Automation API, requiring a Trados Studio Professional license.
Toolkit Components:
- Modules: Includes various helpers like `GetGuids`, `PackageHelper`, `ProjectHelper`, `TMHelper`, etc.
- Scripts. Pre-configured scripts like `FileBasedProject_Roundtrip.ps1` and `ServerBasedProject_Roundtrip.ps1`.
- Samples: Demonstration files provided for practical use.
Getting Started:
- Requirements: Ensure you have a valid Trados Studio license and PowerShell 5 (x86) installed.
- Installation: Download the toolkit files, unblock them, create necessary directories, and place the scripts and modules in the specified folders.
- Set the `$StudioVersion` parameter in the `ToolkitInitializer.psm1` file to match your Trados Studio version.
- For server-based resources, configure GroupShare server details and credentials as required.
Running Scripts:
- Open PowerShell as Administrator, set the execution policy if needed, and run the desired roundtrip script (e.g., `FileBasedProject_Roundtrip.ps1`).
- Server-based scripts can be run similarly if GroupShare is used.
Module Usage.
- Import the `ToolkitInitializer` module, then call `Import-ToolkitModules` to load all necessary modules.
- Functions within the toolkit can then be utilised for various Trados Studio automation tasks.
Help & Troubleshooting:
- Use `Get-Help` cmdlet to view documentation for any specific function after the module is imported. Ensure the modules are correctly loaded and paths are configured properly.
This summary covers the essentials of setting up, configuring, and using the Trados PowerShell Toolkit. For full documentation review the README to the GitHub Repository