Trados Copy Tags

Trados Copy Tags

By Trados AppStore Team



Trados Copy tags allows you to simply copy tags from source, using a shortcut key.

You can select your own customisable shortcut using the options in Trados Studio,

or by right-clicking in the editor and selecting "Copy Tags to Target".

The previous version from Jesse Good had a default shortcut of Alt+T,

but this has been removed because Trados Studio 2019/2021 uses this shortcut for "Tell Me".

To learn how to use this application, please check the Documentation tab.

Technical details - Trados Studio 2024


  • Updated to Studio 2024
  • Updated Tell Me features

Checksum: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855

Release date: 2024-06-25 - Trados Studio (2022 (SR2), 2022 (SR1+), 2022)


  • updated to support Studio 2022

Checksum: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855

Release date: 2024-06-12 - Trados Studio 2021


  • updated plugin version to
  • updated studio maxversion to 16.9
  • updated author to "Trados AppStore Team"
  • updated NuGet dependencies to the latest versions (Sdl.Core.PluginFramework, Sdl.Core.PluginFramework.Build)

Checksum: 7379fc0e1fdd2e45bf0a242b22dc8525fb8c008bcb4164ae9d259b78e3580dd0

Release date: 2022-05-10 - SDL Trados Studio 2019 (SR2)


  • Rebranding from SDL Copy Tags to Trados Copy Tags
  • No additional functionality added.

Checksum: ad64cc06775ef5bcc109244b1c3cc85f4b3608e3d50aa27040dacfa187564fbf

Release date: 2021-07-13

No related information.


The Trados Copy Tags plugin, (available for Trados Studio 2019/2021) represents an application which allows the user to copy the source tags into the target segment. 

How to use

   1. Install the application.

   2. Open a file in Editor.

   3. Right Click inside the segment which contains tags.

   4. Select "Copy Tags to Target" 

Note: The "Atl+T" keyoard shortcut was removed, because it interferes with Studio 2019 Tell Me feature.

   5. The tags will be copied to the target side.


The application logs information, about the flow which is useful to identify issues that might occur.

If any errors are caught, the Trados CopyTagsLogs.txt file will be created at the following location: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\RWS AppStore\TradosCopyTags

The txt file can then be attached to the RWS Community forum thread when any issues are raised regarding this plugin.

Tell Me feature

The SDL Copy Tags plugin allows users to access the following actions using TellMe feature that was introduced in Studio 2019:

  • Community Support
  • Wiki documentation
  • Download the plugin from AppStore

Checkout other plugins from this developer:
XLIFF Manager for Trados Studio


XLIFF Manager for Trados Studio

By Trados AppStore Team

The ProblemYou need to share files for translation or review and the people you are sharing with don't use Studio, they can't support SDLXLIFF, and they want to use a CAT tool. You also do so much of this you need to have a better way of managing the process. You want to be able to share one XLIFF on a multi-lingual project and have the translators complete the target language.The SolutionThe XLIFF Manager is the solution to this problem as it provides the following core features:- export your Studio projects as vanilla XLIFF 1.2 files- export your Studio projects as Google Polyglot XLIFF files- choose whether the target language should be set or not on export- choose whether you export all the segments in your files or not- import the translated XLIFF files back into Studio and update your Studio projects- map unsupported languages from your clients system in support of the import- generate reports of the changed work- be in control of the end to end process with a project management view in StudioPlanned Enhancements for the future updates- progress bars while waiting for the export/import. Useful for large projects- support for tracked changes in the import- add support for an XLIFF 2.1 export- add support for an SDLXLIFF export (to help with the management of an SDLXLIFF file workflow outside of a package)- we're open to suggestions in the RWS Community!To learn how to use this application, please please check the Documentation tab.