DSI Viewer

DSI Viewer

By Trados AppStore Team



The Problem

One of the benefits of working with Studio is that it is unique amongst CAT tools in providing Document Structure Information that can be used to help provide additional context when translating. The downside of this feature is that you have to actively click the DSI column to see this information for each segment and you can't work on the translation while it is being displayed. The same thing goes for comments which can only be seen by scrolling through the comments view.

The Solution

The DSI Viewer solves this issue by providing you with a small viewer that you can position somewhere convenient on your screen and this displays the DSI information and comments for every segment you enter without you having to click anything.

Very handy when working with DITA files, custom XML files or even SDLXLIFF files that have been exported from SDL Passolo (these contain string IDs that are very useful when translating).

It's also particularly useful when working with Bilingual Excel files as these support the ability to add information from the Excel file to the Document Structure Information and/or comments.

To learn how to use this application, please visit DSI Viewer in the RWS Community wiki

Technical details - Trados Studio 2024


  • Merged changes from Studio 2022 SR2
  • Updated TellMe
  • Made compatibility changes for Omega

Checksum: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855

Release date: 2024-06-25 - Trados Studio 2022 (SR2)


  • Changed the Unknown value to None;
  • Improved UI;
  • Added table with details for the tags in the current segment;
  • Added buttons for each category to collapse/expand the respective tables;
  • Updated TellMe.

Checksum: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855

Release date: 2024-01-29 - Trados Studio (2022 (SR1), 2022)


  • Resolved bug for Object reference not set to an instance of an object when editing a segment after applying pre-translation

Checksum: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855

Release date: 2024-05-10 - Trados Studio 2021


  • Resolved bug for the Object reference not set to an instance of an object when editing a segment after applying pre-translation

Checksum: f4e69f9da03a7048fdc1bfed3e8b72cf70a62af28e3b195c466f4afd7f611d01

Release date: 2022-10-04 - SDL Trados Studio 2019


  • Remove option to "Show all QEs"

Checksum: 3e3ab32984effa1948b04c9d84e8d124957fd537210cda3b1a5646dcb584a704

Release date: 2022-02-10 - SDL Trados Studio 2017

No related information.


Once installed, and you have opened a project, you will find the DSI viewer on the View Tab in Studio.

Quality Estimation Model

A new feature in the DSI viewer is the Quality Estimation Feature/Model

Tell Me Functionality 

With our Tell Me technology, Trados Studio delivers a simple, quick route to find features and get you to settings in a fraction of the time.

Simply type in a word or phrase describing what you need to know and Studio intelligently suggests commands, options and settings you may want to access.

Optimized Field Width for displayed information.

The DSI viewer has now been optimized to display the ID content in its entirety due to an expanded field width,

Previously when an SDLXLIFF had been exported from Passolo with three columns (Source, Target and ID), the DSI view was unable to display the information correctly in the DSI window due to space limitations.

This has now been optimized to show the ID content in its full length, removing the necessity to click into the actual ID column.

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XLIFF Manager for Trados Studio


XLIFF Manager for Trados Studio

By Trados AppStore Team

The ProblemYou need to share files for translation or review and the people you are sharing with don't use Studio, they can't support SDLXLIFF, and they want to use a CAT tool. You also do so much of this you need to have a better way of managing the process. You want to be able to share one XLIFF on a multi-lingual project and have the translators complete the target language.The SolutionThe XLIFF Manager is the solution to this problem as it provides the following core features:- export your Studio projects as vanilla XLIFF 1.2 files- export your Studio projects as Google Polyglot XLIFF files- choose whether the target language should be set or not on export- choose whether you export all the segments in your files or not- import the translated XLIFF files back into Studio and update your Studio projects- map unsupported languages from your clients system in support of the import- generate reports of the changed work- be in control of the end to end process with a project management view in StudioPlanned Enhancements for the future updates- progress bars while waiting for the export/import. Useful for large projects- support for tracked changes in the import- add support for an XLIFF 2.1 export- add support for an SDLXLIFF export (to help with the management of an SDLXLIFF file workflow outside of a package)- we're open to suggestions in the RWS Community!To learn how to use this application, please please check the Documentation tab.