SRT Filetype
By Trados AppStore Team
This is no longer being maintained as its now built in Trados Studio
SRT (SubRip file format) is a very commonly used format for subtitle files. Trados Studio 2019 and earlier do support the SRT format, but the out of the box version was not compatible with the Studio Subtitling plugin available on the appstore. So if you wish to work with the subtitling plugin in 2019 you will need this app. It is not required when using the Trados Studio 2021 and above versions as they have been appropriately enhanced.
Technical details - SDL Trados Studio 2019 (SR2)
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Checksum: 6f9a4b542e30a5fd4f7800c26e5d680fa07703be0e17edf0247103afe410145b
Release date: 2023-10-30
Support website: https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/rws-appstore/f/rws-appstore
Shared products:
SDL Trados Studio 2019 (SR2)
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