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IATE Language Pairs


IATE Language Pairs

By SanTrans

<p><strong>**New release of IATE Extraction May 26</strong><sup><strong>th</strong></sup><strong> 2024**</strong></p><ul><li><strong>More than 5% changes (additions-deletions-modifications) since the previous release</strong></li></ul><p><strong>IATE Language Pairs in various formats for direct import in your CAT Tool</strong></p><p><strong>IATE (Interactive Terminology for Europe)</strong> is the EU's terminology database.</p><p>It is used in the EU institutions and agencies since summer 2004 for the collection, dissemination and management of EU-specific terminology.</p><p>The IATE database, which is updated regularly, can be queried on the Web, and the total database or subsets of it can be downloaded, however the format used is TBX, that needs to be converted before it can be imported into your CAT Tool as virtually no CAT Tool supports that format.</p><p>On my website, santrans.net I offer for download each of the 552 Language Pairs, extracted from the IATE database and converted into various formats (.csv, .tmx, .xml, .txt.), for direct import into almost any CAT Tool and allowing you to use the IATE terminology also without internet access.</p><p><br></p><p>The following CAT Tools are directly supported or can use one or more of the different file sets provided in my packages and detailed installation instructions are provided for most of them:</p><ul><li><strong>Trados Studio,</strong></li><li><strong>memoQ,</strong></li><li><strong>DVX,</strong></li><li><strong>WordFast,</strong></li><li><strong>CafeTran,</strong></li><li><strong>Fluency,</strong></li><li><strong>OmegaT.</strong></li></ul><p><strong><em><u>Features of my packages</u></em></strong></p><ul><li>Each Language Pair contains the <strong>Latin</strong> and <strong>Multiple Language</strong> terms (very important for translations in the botany, agricultural, food, trade, physics, chemistry, law domains)</li><li>Synonyms are handled in a consistent way, suited to the intended CAT Tool</li><li>Comments (between brackets) in terms are stripped and moved to a separate field</li><li>Subject fields are localized into the target language</li><li>one-, two-, three-char terms and abbreviations can be separately imported, if required</li><li>Besides file sets for the complete Language Pair, also 6 subsets for defined domain groups are available in the package, allowing for lighter local databases</li></ul><p><br></p><p><strong>NOTE FROM RWS:</strong> in order to select, purchase and download your language pairs, go directly to the website of the developer, <a href=" https://santrans.net" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">santrans.net</a>. RWS are unable to validate them as the developer 'currently' creates 552 language pairs as separately purchased downloads. Once you leave this site any actions are at your own risk.</p>

IRIS PDF OCR Support for Studio


IRIS PDF OCR Support for Studio

By Trados AppStore Team

<p><strong style="color: rgb(33, 37, 41);">NOTE: This is no longer being maintained. </strong></p><p><strong style="color: rgb(33, 37, 41);"></strong>As of March 2023, we no longer provide a file type that supports the use of IRIS. Consequently, versions from Studio 2022 ( v. onward are also incompatible with IRIS.</p><p><br></p><p>The <strong>IRIS add-on</strong> is an app for SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 or higher that provides support for recognizing text in scanned PDF documents with Asian content. It uses advanced OCR technology to recognise Asian characters and convert them as faithfully as possible to translatable content in Trados Studio.</p><p>The app integrates with the PDF file type in SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 or later.</p><p>It also upgrades Studio 2017's current OCR tool,</p><p>-providing more powerful and better quality conversions for <strong> over 130 different languages. </strong></p><p><br></p><p>Follow these steps to work with the IRIS add-on:</p><p>1. If Trados Studio is running, close it.</p><p>2. Install the IRIS add-on app.</p><p>3. Restart SDL Trados Studio.</p><p>4. In Trados Studio, go to File &gt; Options &gt; File Types &gt; PDF &gt; Converter and select Use IRIS technology for optical character recognition to start working with the IRIS technology for optical character recognition.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Note:</strong></p><p>For more information on IRIS technology, see <a href="http://www.irislink.com/EN-US/c1462/Readiris-16-for-Windows---OCR-Software.aspx" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">the IRIS website</a>.</p>




By Teknei

<p>IDITE checks for the proper use of vocabulary in Basque. In addition to the spelling analysis, it detects words which in standard Basque are marked as "use" or "preferably use", and proposes instead the recommended forms. Apart from general vocabulary, it also takes into account terminology, as it can check specialist texts.</p><p>IDITE is permanently updated with regard to standards on vocabulary, be it general or specialist.</p><p>In order to use this tool, you will need an active license of IDITE. To request a license or get more information, please contact <a href="uzei@uzei.eus" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">uzei@uzei.eus</a></p><p><br></p><p>Plugin honek euskarazko lexikoaren erabilera zuzena egiaztatzen du dokumentuaren xede-hizkuntza euskara denean. Analisi ortografiko hutsa egiteaz gain, euskara estandarrean erabil edo hobe markak ezarrita dituzten hitzen agerpenak detektatzen ditu, forma hobetsia proposatuz. Lexiko orokorraz gain, gainera, terminologia ere kontuan hartzen du, edozein mailatako testuak egiaztatzeko gauza baita.</p><p>IDITEren emaitzak etengabe egokitzen zaizkio lexiko orokorrerako zein espezializaturako araugintzari.</p><p>Tresna hau erabiltzeko, IDITE lizentzia aktibatuta izan behar duzu. Lizentzia eskuratzeko edo informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero, jarri harremanetan <a href="uzei@uzei.eus" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">uzei@uzei.eus</a> helbidera idatziz.</p><p> </p><p> Este plugin verifica el uso correcto del léxico en euskera. Además del análisis puramente ortográfico, detecta el uso de aquellas palabras que en el euskera estándar tienen las marcas de úsese o úsese preferentemente, y propone en su lugar las formas recomendadas. Junto con el léxico general, también analiza la terminología, por lo que puede ser empleado para verificar textos especializados.</p><p>IDITE está permanentemente actualizado en lo referente a la normativa del léxico, tanto general como especializado.</p><p>Para utilizar IDITE es necesario disponer de una licencia. Si deseas obtener una licencia o más información, escríbenos a <a href="uzei@uzei.eus" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">uzei@uzei.eus</a>.</p><p> </p>

Intento MT Hub


Intento MT Hub

By Intento, Inc.

<p><strong>Intento MT Hub for Trados</strong></p><p>Intento allows global enterprises to translate 20 times more on the same budget. Its Enterprise Machine Translation Hub augments best-of-breed Custom NMT platforms with source quality improvement and automated post-editing. It integrates with existing software in Localization, Customer Experience, and other business processes. Also, with Intento businesses can monitor translation performance to continuously improve their entire Language Operations stack.</p><p><br></p><p>Intento MT Hub for Trados integrates over 40 machine translation providers into a single plugin. It enables you to leverage the latest machine translation technology powered by Amazon, Baidu, DeepL, Google, Microsoft, Naver and OpenAI GPT. With its advanced features, such as source quality improvement and automated post-editing, this platform delivers a seamless and efficient machine translation workflow to Trados users. Intento MT Hub for Trados is the ideal solution for delivering high-quality translations whether you require stock or custom models, or even advanced augmentation on top of them.</p><p><br></p><p>Key Benefits</p><ul><li>10 machine translation providers supported via a single contract</li><li>40+ machine translation providers supported via custom credentials</li><li>750+ languages supported</li><li>Source Quality Improvements: Entity protection, Content splitting, etc.</li><li>Automated Post-Editing: Terminology, Gender, Tone of Voice, etc.</li><li>Up to 70% less post-editing effort</li></ul><p><span style="color: var(--pa-admin-input-foreground); background-color: var(--pa-admin-input-color);">An Intento subscription is required to use this plugin.</span></p>

Intento MT Hub for RWS Language Cloud


Intento MT Hub for RWS Language Cloud

By Intento, Inc.

<p><strong>Intento MT Hub for Trados</strong></p><p>Intento allows global enterprises to translate 20 times more on the same budget. Its Enterprise Machine Translation Hub augments best-of-breed Custom NMT platforms with source quality improvement and automated post-editing. It integrates with existing software in Localization, Customer Experience, and other business processes. Also, with Intento businesses can monitor translation performance to continuously improve their entire Language Operations stack.</p><p><br></p><p>Intento MT Hub for Trados integrates over 40 machine translation providers into a single plugin. It enables you to leverage the latest machine translation technology powered by Amazon, Baidu, DeepL, Google, Microsoft, Naver and OpenAI GPT. With its advanced features, such as source quality improvement and automated post-editing, this platform delivers a seamless and efficient machine translation workflow to Trados users. Intento MT Hub for Trados is the ideal solution for delivering high-quality translations whether you require stock or custom models, or even advanced augmentation on top of them.</p><p><br></p><p>Key Benefits</p><ul><li>10 machine translation providers supported via a single contract</li><li>40+ machine translation providers supported via custom credentials</li><li>750+ languages supported</li><li>Source Quality Improvements: Entity protection, Content splitting, etc.</li><li>Automated Post-Editing: Terminology, Gender, Tone of Voice, etc.</li><li>Up to 70% less post-editing effort</li></ul><p><span style="color: var(--pa-admin-input-foreground); background-color: var(--pa-admin-input-color);">An Intento subscription is required to use this plugin.</span></p>