RYSTUDIO Quality Assurance Package
By RyStudio
RYSTUDIO Quality Assurance Package
Make your life a breeze!
This Package comes standard with an AI-based Entity Recognition, AI-based Spellcheck, AI-based Bilingual Term Extraction and Auto-QA-Actions modules that can auto-recognize all entities, spelling, grammar and style errors and perform auto-actions thereon. This is probably the smartest QA tool you can find on today's market that will definitely make your life a breeze.
Pay Once & Use Forever:
RYSTUDIO QA Package adopts pay-once-and-use-forever policy. No annual subscription fee, no additional usage fee charged, no limit and no quota imposed.
Instant and Thorough Checks:
Almost everything in your translation will be checked instantly, thoroughly and smartly. For example, terminology, spelling, grammar, style, dates, measurements, money, addresses, numbers, organizations, emails, SSN, and on.
AI-based Bilingual Term & Entity Recognition:
All terms and entities, monolingual or bilingual, like organizations, events, products, dates, measurements, addresses, numbers, emails, etc. will be auto-recognized and categorized to ensure translation consistency throughout a project.
In case of running QA checks on translated files, all bilingual terms and entities will be automatically extracted, aligned, categorized and listed for review, along with the source and target segments where they are located.
AI-based Spell, Grammar and Style Checks:
Powered by our neural models, the spell and grammar checker is really smart. It will not only check your spelling and grammar errors, but your style and tone for improvement. Here are some simple examples:
“a UK based company”: it will suggest: “a UK-based company”;
“He gave us various different examples.” It will suggest: “He gave us various examples”.
Particulary, when it comes to Chinese language, all spell checker available on today’s maket are of little use, if not useless. They cannot even detect such obvious errors like:
“汽车形式在路上”, “他身上的这些忧点” .
They all fail without exception. RYSTUDIO Spellchecker can easily catch these errors and make auto-correction if you want to.
With one click only, all mistranslated and/or inconsistent terms and entities, spelling and grammar errors and much more will be auto-corrected and an QA Action Report will be presented, with which you can undo or confirm QA actions executed so far.
All terms and entities for standardization will be listed in Trados Studio’s Term Recognition Window and will be also listed as candicates as you are typing to ensure quick, errorless input.
Please visit our official website for details and more productivity-boosting plugins that will bring your career up to a higher level.
Technical details - Trados Studio 2024
- Support for Studio 2024
Checksum: 33c7defb31123bc699f4814d1fa5e05a32d6b90a97b19555217f6a89c775e184
Release date: 2024-07-04 - Trados Studio 2022 (SR2)
- Minor fixes and changes to accommodate installation on 2022 SR2
Checksum: 65ea6bea698dc7789164826dfeb1312be88c0946f93a6b889c0ed39cae5fc874
Release date: 2024-02-26 - Trados Studio 2022
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Checksum: e8d7cb5e3813d0868fc97a196d7fab7b6431e27e34fb45fdefbca73517c3dd29
Release date: 2024-02-26
No related information.
No related information.
No related information.