MTrans TM Find and Replace
By Human Science Co. Ltd.
MTrans TM Find and Replace automatically performs string replacements on translations from a translation memory (TM). You can use it to leverage TMs from different projects with different style rules and terminology. MTrans TM Find and Replace is useful in the following cases.
- Different products or services use different style rules and terminology.
- Web and printed materials use different style rules.
- The style rules and terminology have changed since the previous version of the document.
It supports normal string replacement and regular expression replacement as replacement conditions. The translation in the TM will not be changed (unless you overwrite it). The TM can be either a file TM or a server TM stored in GroupShare.
A free trial is available. Please contact Human Science for details.
翻訳メモリ(TM)の訳文に対して文字列置換を自動的に実行します。スタイルルールや用語が異なる別のプロジェクトのTMを活用するためにご利用ください。MTrans TM Find and Replaceは以下のような場合に便利です。
- 製品やサービスごとに異なるスタイルルールや用語を使用している
- Webや印刷物によって異なるスタイルルールを使用している
- 以前の版からスタイルルールや用語が変更になった
Technical details - Trados Studio 2022
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Checksum: 17c670f9b0f8a65be32c072c35e15366e8bd013d57abe7204ab9478cf7832b42
Release date: 2023-06-02
Support website: https://www.science.co.jp/en/contact/index.html?utm_source=rws&utm_medium=appstore.rws
Support e-mail: hsweb_inquiry@science.co.jp
Shared products:
Trados Studio 2022
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